Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP)
- This training assists aviation experts to prepare for Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA) activities. It highlights the essential content of the protocol questions, relating them to the associated ICAO documents, including the ICAO Annexes and associated guidance material in each audit area: personnel licensing and training (PEL), aircraft operations including dangerous goods (OPS including DG), airworthiness of aircraft (AIR), aircraft accident and incident investigation (AIG), air navigation services (ANS), aerodromes and ground aids (AGA), and primary aviation legislation & civil aviation regulations (LEG) and civil aviation organization (ORG). The material covered by this training is aligned with the Safety Oversight Audit Manual (Doc 9735).
- Provide CAA inspectorate staff and industry experts with information regarding the USOAP concepts and methodologies;
- Allow aviation safety experts within the CAA and the industry to gain further knowledge about the ICAO audit areas relevant to their
- expertise; and
- Help States and industry experts to gain an understanding of the performance of safety oversight in their respective audit area(s).
Who Sould Attend
- This course is beneficial to personnel responsible for safety oversight management and inspection such as inspectors
- safety managers and auditors from civil aviation administrations and air navigation service providers.
Course Content
- Module 1: Course Introduction
- Module 2: Evolution of ICAO USAOP
- Module 3: Concept of Safety and Management
- Module 4: ICAO SARPs related to safety management
- Module 5: SSP framework
- Module 6: Performance Base Regulation
- Module 7: Enhancing The Safety Environment
- Module 8: Organizational Safety Culture and Performance
- Module 9: Human and Organizational Factors
- Module 10: Safety Oversight
- Module 11: ICAO USOAP and Safety Performance
- Module 12: UOSAP CMA
- Module 13: CMA Overview
- Module 14: Amendment of PQs
- Module 15: CMA on SSP – Rollout
- Module 16: OLF and EFOD
- Module 17: Self Assessment
- Module 18: Overview of iSTARS 3.0
- 5 Year Experience in the Safety Field
Start Date: August 2, 2025
Registration Deadline: July 27, 2025
Fees: 3000 USD
Registration Deadline: July 27, 2025
Fees: 3000 USD
CairoCourse Code
U255Course Duration
10 DayAsk Qustion
Request at your location
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