
Basic Aeronautical Meteorology (Aviation Weather)


  • Teaches atmospheric composition and structure, climate and synoptic weather, aviation weather reports, forecasts, and weather data sources.
  • Enables the trainees to understand and appreciate the operational and strategic impacts of weather on the aviation industry.
  • Requires students to apply these principles in a decision-making through weather tracking, planning and decision-making activities.


  • Demonstrate knowledge of atmospheric composition and climate.
  • Explain the operational challenges associated with atmospheric stability, moisture characteristics, precipitation, pressure, altitude, and density.
  • Interpret current aviation weather reports, forecasts and observations affecting aviation operational decision making.
  • Describe how weather conditions affect airplane performance.
  • Explain the conditions likely to result in the formation of the most common aviation weather hazards and appropriate responses to in-flight weather hazards.

Who Sould Attend

  • Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs)

Course Content

  • Introduction / Syllabus / History of Flight
  • Structure of the Atmosphere
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Moisture
  • Surface and Upper Air Station Models
  • Wind / Jet Stream
  • Stability
  • Visibility and Fog
  • Clouds and Precipitation
  • Thunderstorms
  • Masses and Fronts
  • Turbulence
  • Icing
  • Other Weather Hazards
  • METAR Decoding
  • TAF Decoding


Course Code
Course Duration
20 Day

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