Aeronautical Data Validation and Verification
At the end of course trainees will be able to:
- Respond to the origin of aeronautical data.
- Demonstrate the scope and type of data.
- Draw approach to the quality system concerning aeronautical data.
- Respond to the use of automation in data verification.
- Describe the copyright of aeronautical data.
- Determine the assignment responsibility for origination of raw data.
- Differentiate among modes of communication.
- Explain AIRAC.
- Demonstrate the significant dates of AIRAC.
- Explain the liaison with related services.
- Explain the recording, filing and distribution of aeronautical data.
- Respond to the data accuracy.
- Differentiate among critical, essential and routine data.
- Demonstrate the role and importance of SLA in data validation and verification.
Who Sould Attend
- ATCs AIS officers & ATS officers
- AIS officers and operation officers of the aviation companies.
Course Content
- Module 1: Origination of Aeronautical Data
- Module 2: Scope and Type of Data
- Module 3: Quality System
- Module 4: Use of Automation
- Module 5: Copyright of Aeronautical Data
- Module 6: Assignment of Responsibility for Origination of Raw Data
- Module 7: Modes of Communication
- Module 8: AIRAC
- Module 9: Significant Dates of AIRAC
- Module 10: Liaison with Related Services
- Module 11: Recording, Filing and Distribution of Data
- Module 12: Critical, Essential and Routine Data
Participants should be at least active AIS Officers working in AIS Units.