- Describe the structure of AIM.
- Scan the integrated aeronautical information package.
- Determine the need for origination of NOTAM.
- Notify the PIB in general.
- Describe the ARO location.
- Determine the coverage zone.
- Obtain the required steps to provide the integrated briefing.
- Respond to the post flight information.
- Describe the AIP.
- Differentiate among AIP AMDT, AIP SUP and AIC.
- Demonstrate the submission of FPL.
- Describe RPL.
- Differentiate between old and new FPL.
- Determine the specifications of charts.
- Demonstrate ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP).
- Define the importance of AIM.
- Verify the System Wide Information Management (SWIM).
- Extract the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM).
- Identify Common reference systems (CRS).
- Recognize the objectives of the AIM.
- Confirm the Phases of the transition to AIM.
- Characterize the Electronic AIP (eAIP).
- Describe Digital NOTAM
Who Sould Attend
Course Content
- Module 01: Pre Implementing of AIM
- Module 02: How to Implement AIM
CairoCourse Code
Course Duration
10 Daythis course is not planned Request Now
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