Aeronautical Data Quality
- The course goal is to serve the ATM community in a more efficient and cost effective way by transiting from AIS to AIM.
- The driver for change will be the provision of aeronautical quality data.
- The whole aviation system is becoming dependent on the provision of quality-assured aeronautical data and aeronautical information which allows the ATM community to make rapid, informed decisions.
By the end of course trainees will be able to:
- Respond to the origin of aeronautical data.
- Scan the modes of communication between AIS and data providers.
- Draw approach to the quality system concerning aeronautical data.
- Extract the different among critical, essential and routine data.
- Respond to Data quality as a driver for change from AIS to AIM.
- Determine the Requirements for formal arrangements between the AIS provider and aeronautical data originators
- Identify the Requirements for quality management system
- Use of QMS for AIS
- Confirm Data quality requirements
- Verify the Recommended steps for data originators to comply with data quality requirements
- Extract the Data quality requirements (Accuracy, Resolution, Integrity, Traceability, Timeliness, completeness and format).
Who Sould Attend
- AIS officers and operation officers of the aviation companies.
Course Content
- Module 00: Course Introduction
- Module 01: Quality Management System
- Module 02: Aeronautical Data Quality
- Participants should be at least active AIS Officers working in AIS Units.