Human Factors in Aviation
To prov ide an overview of human factors concepts, knowledge, and practical applications, with a focus on the current and future role of human factors in the operational environment of the aviation industry.
➢ To address the various factors that contribute to human error and
➢ non-compliance with rules and procedures.
➢ To identify ways to manage errors and violations, both at the individual and organizational and systemic level
By the end of the course , participants will be able to
➢ Demonstrate awareness of human factors which affect personal performance and affect interaction with others, which often defines overall safety performance;
➢ Recognize the importance of the human element in the design of systems and procedures in the aviation context;
➢ Define the factors which lead to human error;
➢ Understand and apply threat and error management in aviation operations;
➢ Identify the benefits of team resource management;
➢ Demonstrate familiarization with the human factor elements in incident and accidents
Who Sould Attend
Course Content
- Module 00 - Course Introduction
- Module 01 - Human Role in Aviation Accidents
Participant should have a university degree or at least a high school degree in addition to a good command of English.
CairoCourse Code
U388Course Duration
5 Daythis course is not planned Request Now
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