- To have primitive knowledge about different types of database structure and their usage.
To acquire primitive skills to deal with SQL databases through studying the techniques of:
- creating database structure.
- Inserting, extracting, and deleting data in database tables.
- Setting relations between data using two scenarios ( on creating tables.
Get acquainted with three types of relations in SQL:-
- One-to-One.
- One-to-Many.
- Many-to-Many.
Build an applied database example “ StandManager “ to allocate Flights to Airport stands.
Create an Excel connection to the SQL database.
Connecting visual basic as a General Purpose Language (GPL) to SQL databases to acquire more flexibility in dealing with SQL databases.
Get acquainted with some programming techniques as an introduction to visual basic programming Language.
Get acquainted with some of SQL database Administrator responsibilities.
Who Sould Attend
- IT Engineers
Course Content
- Module 1 - SQL DBA
CairoCourse Code
U396Course Duration
10 Daythis course is not planned Request Now
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