


  • Awareness and ability of using modern telecommunication networks.


By the end of the course the Trainee shall be able to:

  • Identify AFTN planning and AFS procedure.
  • Identify the conditions that must be satisfied before any circuit be regarded as an international (AFTN, CIDIN or AMHS) circuit.
  • Identify AFTN Regional Routing charts.
  • Use AFTN Regional Routing charts.
  • Get familiarization with the developments of AFTN and CIDIN.
  • Distinguish the diversion routing in automatic and none automatic system.
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantage so fold and current communication system.
  • Recognize the data signaling rates in communication system.
  • List the phases of ATN implementation.
  • List the main elements of ATN.
  • Define AMHS.
  • Recognize the advantages of AMHS.
  • IdentifyX400/AMHS protocol
  • Identify AMHS addressing (XF &CA AS addressing schemes)

Get familiarization with:

  • AMHS messaging model
  • AFTN/AMHS message conversion(interface)
  • AMHS/AFTN message conversion(interface)
  • AMHS message type–message structure
  • Components of envelope part of AMHS message
  • Classification of Priorities in AMHS
  • AMHS message type report (delivered reports undelivered reports)
  • Routing tables of AMC
  • AMC planning
  • Read messages information and classify messages originators (according to network used for their transmission).
  • Deal with messages priorities used by AMHS.

Who Sould Attend

  • Aeronautical Communications Operators

Course Content

  • Module 01: Aeronautical Fixed Services
  • Module 02: Introduction to AMHS


  • The Trainee should have university degree or equivalent certificate and profession in communication field.
  • The Trainee should have Basic AMS Operator course ICAO 171 and Basic AFS Operator course ICAO 172.
Course Code
Course Duration
10 Day
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