Approach Control Surveillance ICAO CODE 054
- This course is designed for who will become approach radar controllers in a radar simulator environment.
- In this course, trainees will be provided with a general introduction to approach control surveillance to perform an effective role in their job as approach radar controllers .
Upon completing this course, the students will be able to:
- Apply the rules of the air and the regulations regarding reporting, airspace
- Appreciate the licensing and competence principles.
- Manage air traffic to ensure safe, orderly and expeditious services.
- Acquire, decode and make proper use of meteorological information relevant to the provision of ATS.
- Analyze all navigational aspects in order to organize the traffic.
- Assess and integrate aircraft performance in the provision of ATS.
- Recognize the necessity to constantly extend their knowledge and analyse factors which affect personal and team performance.
- Integrate knowledge and understanding of the basic working principles of equipment and systems and comply with the equipment and system degradation procedures in the provision of ATS.
- Identify the need for close cooperation with other parties concerning ATM operations and appreciate aspects of environmental protection.
- Develop professional attitudes to manage traffic in abnormal and emergency situations.
- Recognize and understand the design and layout of aerodromes.
Who Sould Attend
- ATC Officers / IFP designers.
Course Content
- Module 1 - Course Introduction
- Module 2 - Air Law
- Module 3 - Air Traffic Management
- Module 4 - Meteorology
- Module 5 - Navigation
- Module 6 - Aircraft
- Module 7 - Human Factors
- Module 8 - Equipment and Systems
- Module 9 - Professional Environment
- Module 10 - Emergency and Unusual Situations
- Module 11 - Aerodromes
- Module 12 - Radar Vectoring and Separation
ICAO 051 & 052 & 053 Courses
CairoCourse Code
U396Course Duration
25 DayAsk Qustion
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