
Search Area Calculations for SAR Operations Training


  • The many search patterns and SAR operations, which have relied heavily on the involvement of aircraft are too numerous to mention. Such advances can only be in the favor of those who will most need them, namely the potential survivor.
  • In addition to more detailed, this specific course will introduce the participants to the world of Search and Rescue Area Calculations.
  • This course is a combination of instruction and facilities. The modules will have references to documents to review, interpret and then apply to case studies to build a bespoke framework to take away and further develop on-site.
  • The course is designed so as to provide Search and Rescue Mission Coordinators (SMC) with adequate knowledge, skill and attitude to execute Search area calculations for SAR operation in accordance with National, International and ICAO Standard procedures and Recommended Practices (SARPs).


Course participants will be able to:

  • Search area evaluation.
  • Collect the appropriate data.
  • Calculate the drift for parachute and aeronautical.
  • Plan for Inland, Maritime and Airborne SAR operations.
  • Calculate total water current.
  • Calculate the datum positions and divergence distance.
  • Plot the search area.
  • Enhance knowledge and skills in assessing their SAR environment.
  • Construct and publish robust requirement for their SAR stakeholders in the aeronautical areas of their national SAR system.

Who Sould Attend

  • SAR Personnel

Course Content

  • Course Introduction
  • Data Collection
  • Evaluating the Situation
  • Data Evaluation
  • Estimating the Distress Incident Location
  • Types of Search patterns
  • Total Probable and Error of Position
  • Selecting the Search pattern
  • Defining search pattern and parameters
  • Search pattern calculations
  • Factors Affecting Search
  • Drift Calculations
  • Maritime Calculations
  • Drift Position
  • Search Area


Successfully completed any of the following courses:

  • SAR Mission Co-Ordinator course.
  • Aeronautical Search and Rescue Operations.
Course Code
Course Duration
10 Day
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