Fundamentals of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Training
- This course is designed to provide the candidates with basic principles, methods and applications of NDT. This includes definition and classification of discontinuities: inherent, processing and services discontinuities, NDT general knowledge; basics, techniques, applications, and limitations of visual testing, dye penetrant method, Magnetic Particle Testing, ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing eddy current test and thermographic Inspection
At the end of course, trainees will Be able to:
- Identify various types of discontinuities and defects.
- Explain the uses of Visual Inspection.
- Describe the Dye Penetrant Inspection.
- Explain Magnetic Particle Inspection and its applications
- Be familiar with the principle of Ultrasonic Testing giving its types and applications.
- Explain the principles of Radiographic Test for detecting cracks.
- Be familiar with the principle and uses of Eddy Current Inspection.
- Be familiar with the principle of Thermographic inspection
- Interpret and evaluate the test results
Who Sould Attend
- • Everyone from entry level technicians and fresh graduates to engineers
- surveyors
- inspectors and management personnel can benefit from this course. • Anyone who requires understand the basics of NDT • Can be used as an introduction to anyone who favors a career within NDT • It is perfect for people who want to search through specific questions they have for NDT
Course Content
- Module 0: Introduction
- Module 1: Discontinuities.
- Module 2: Visual Inspection
- Module 3: Dye Penetrant Inspection
- Module 5: Ultrasonic Inspection
- Module 4: Magnetic Particles Inspection
- Module 6: Radiographic Inspection
- Module 7: Eddy Current Inspection
- Module 8: Thermographic inspection
- Module 9: Indications
- Master English Language
- Working in the same field