- Provision of Aeronautical Airport Survey (WGS-84 Aerodrome and Annex 14 OLS Survey) for three Airports (Muscat, Salalah and Adam.)
- Provision of Aeronautical Airport Survey (WGS-84 Aerodrome and Annex 14 OLS Survey) for two local airports owned by Petroleum Development of Oman.
- The development of RNAV GNSS Baro VNAV Based Procedures for three airports namely (Muscat, Salalah and Adam.)
- The development of RNAV GNSS Baro VNAV Based Procedures for three local airports owned by Petroleum Development of Oman (Marmul, QuarnAlam and Fahud). Marmul Airport is the first published in the AIRAC Cyclel, March 2008, Oman AIP.
- Data collection (originator) as the first phase for eTOD Land Survey Area 3 for Muscat, and Area 3 & area4 for Salalah Airport.
- Provision of GNSS Implementation Course (ATCOs.)
- Provision of Aeronautical Study for the development area intended South of Muscat International Airport.
- Provision of the Design of the Helicopter VFR Routes and the FATO Design for Muscat International Airport.
- Provision of Aeronautical Study for the New Control Tower in Muscat International Airport.
- Provision of PANS/OPS Refresher Course for DGMAN (Salalah Airport.)
- Provision of PANS/OPS Software Training Course for DGMAN (Salalah Airport.)
- Provision of Initial PANS/OPS Course for Muscat Airport and DGMAN (Salalah Airport.)
- Provision of Aeronautical Survey for Ja’aluni Regional Airport.
- Provision of GNSS Approach for Ja’aluni Regional Airport.
- Provision of Aeronautical Study for the New General Hospital and Officers Club of Royal Police of Oman.
- Provision of Electromagnetic Study for Muscat International Airport.
- Provision of Aeronautical Study for Private and Government Owned Plots around Muscat International Airport.
- Provision of Basic AIM and Advanced AIM Courses for Oman Public Authority of Civil Aviation (PACA.)
- Provision of AIS to AIM Training Course from Salalah.